Wednesday, June 13, 2012

A very worth it intro...

Hello earthians.

This is the middle child talking. Here's the story:

قمت من النوم يوم الأربعاء كان ثاني أسبوع إجازة، و أنا ما غير أتسدح و أتبطح على ذا السرير إللي عاقبوني فيه خواتي البثرات كلهم نايمين عندي عشان كل وحدة مكيف غرفتها خربان. و بسم الله عليكم يا ليت الوحدة فيهم ترد الجميل و ترهي علي بالعيشة و الحلال لا ما فييه! بس يلله الشكوة لله.
المهم نرجع للسالفة الأصلية:
So it was a normal stay-at-home day like any other. Our big sister Mimi came to my room and woke me up, she told me to get dressed and go with her to one of our friends' house. So I got dressed. I wasn't about to stay at home and lay around like a dead person, plus there would be food so that practically sealed the deal, yup!
الزبدة رحنا بيت صديقتنا و بلعنا لين قلنا آمين. و حنا عادنا هناك و ميمي أختي تسولف، قالت: "إي نوت -إي نعم إسمي نوت و الشكوة لغير الله مذله- تدرين إن جاوجاو الخبل كتبت لها قصة زي ذيك الكويتية حقت لولو و وهابي" قلت:  " لا تكفين!! أحد يمسكها لا تفضحنا العبيطة!!" *و طبعاً أصيح من داخل* لا تقولون مهوَّلة، بلاكم ما تعرفون أختي البزر ذي!
Jawjaw our sister has what I call a teenage-crap-love stories syndrom. Which is the state of raging hormones/believing there is such things as the crap and love she reads in all the crapy online novels * I do believe in love, just not the novolic kind of love. And yes I use CRAP a lot*

Let's complete in English since it will take me absolutely forever to write in arabic *3shan ana th8afti english o kitha m3laish* ok so as I was saying, we went home and I was a little excited to read the shitty chapter Jawjaw wrote. Jawjaw had her laptop ready, it was already opened to the chapter.
I read only half of it, I'm actually surprised I made it to the half. All the curse words of the whole wide world cannot comprehend how VERY-AMAIZINGLY-BAD it was. But here's what I did out of only pure generosity: I deleted the whole chapter, and started this! Yes, the amazing/genius words that you have the privilege of reading right now were once a bunch of meaningless crap with really BAD grammar!

Now just to make things clearer for you guys, the story isn't going to be about me *I know BOOOOWHOO :(!! we all wanted to know this amazing girl's story* it's sadly going to be about the stupid little sister -Jawjaw-. And you know what's even worse? I'm only writing THIS chapter, I'll leave the rest for Jawjaw to write. However, I might write another chapter IF you guys requested to read more of what I write :3

Ps; This chapter is only an introduction for what would probably seem like the most pathetic story you'll ever read, but I guarantee it would also be the funniest. Don't tell Jawjaw I said that! Oh and ignore the "MY Wired Life" title, it was supposed to be "MY Weird* Life"

Till we meet again,

             {{STOP THE SYRIAN KILLER!!! }}

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